i cant believe its been 3 yrs i miss u so much

knowin that even how bad iv acted at treated u that u told me u would always love me grama i miss u dearly and wish that it wouldnt of happened but knwn u r with ur mom and dad makes me think someday i will be up there with u and my mom annd dad so i knw im always gonna b safe and loved no matter where i go xoxo love u and miss u

I miss you so much,
your laugh, your smile, your touch.
You always brightened my days
with all the smiles you sent my way.
I need you as my angel
to always be at my side.
I need you as my angel
to give me peace of mind.
I like to think your near to me
to know that you are there.
Even though I can not see you,
I feel that you are near.
Please do not forget me mom,
for you are always in my heart,
my thoughts and prayers.
I love you.

Today is your birthday. You would have been 63 years old. You have no idea how much you are loved and missed. I think about you everyday and It hurts not seeing your face or hearing your voice.I know we will meet agin and I will see your beautiful face and hear your voice again. You are truly missed mom. It has not been the same without you nor will it ever be. You were a special beautiful person. God took you into his arms a year agao but it seems like yesterday. It was way too soon but you are happy and free now... I love you mom....

The funny beautiful lady
That means so much to me
May be gone from the land of the living
But with me she will always be
Because my memory holds her dearly
And my pen recalls her ways
And most of all I love her
A love that always stays
It stays inside my memory
And is often on my mind
Because a lady like my grandma
Is rare and hard to find.

My beautiful mother has been gone a year now. It doesnt seem like she ever left. I will always know you are with me.

Happy Mothers Day. I thought about you so much on this day. You loved this day! You couldnt wait to see what we would buy you. You meant the world to your children. We would suprise you everytime... You loved the cards and gifts.. We will never forget you mom! This day as well as many others will not be the same without you. I wish you were here. I will never forget the joy and love you brought us...Whats mother's day without our mother...

We all still miss you so very much Arvy. It was all just too sudden and our hearts are still so very broken. You left an "un-fillable" void in all of our lives and hearts that can never be filled or mended. Even though we all still suffer greatly because of your absence, we are just so happy for you, knowing you are flying free with your Parents and the Angels. We all look forward to flying with you soon one day. We love you!!

You would have been 62 years old today. You would've loved the photoframe I was buying you. I still cant believe you are gone. I feel that you are still here with us. I miss you so much mom. Only God and you know how much. Dont worry mom, I will find you justice somehow someway. You didnt die in vain. I know God has special plans And I'm ready. I will always love you mom. I wish wish we had more time and memories with you Happy Birthday.

One of mom's favorite singers. Patsy Cline. This song was one of the songs played at her visitation

Happy Easter mom. I wish you were here with us. I couldnt find myself to celebrate without you today. I know this was one of your favorite hoildays. You loved being with your kids and grandkids on this day. You loved watching the little ones look for eggs. You would give them easter cups full of candy. We promise never to forget the good times. The love you showed us. I wont let anyone forget your love mom.

to my sister, i wish you and i would have got to spend alot more time together. even though we were miles apart, our love extended though and though. we will forever be together in our memories and in christ, please tell mom and dad and paul and carla , we will be together again. i miss you and love you
love you sister linda

i love you grandma i hope that u are at peace with your mom and dad and i hope that u are lookin down on us from heaven love adrienne


April 10, 2009
Trina, and the family I'm am so sorry to hear about your lost. Your mother was such a sweet heart and she will be missed dearly!!
~ Niki Lloyd, Peoria, Illinois April 09, 2009
Sissy.Pam,Sheree.Catrina and Tramp. My heart and prays go out to you all, Arvy and i was friends for a long time.
~ Barbara Arnett, peoria, Illinois

April 10, 2009
I'm sorry to see her go. She was liek a grandma to me.
~ Ashley Cisneros, Peoria, Illinois

April 08, 2009 Mine and Pat prays are with you all. We where neighbors on Spring St. I bought avon from your mom. ~ kathy babcock, chillicothe, Illinois

mom's family

Arvy, I will never forget but will always remember the many laughs we have shared and the fun times spent at your house around the holidays with you and your family.You always included me no matter what the occasion and treated me just like a daughter.I love and miss u soo much......
15 years agoSleeping peacefully about a week before it was time for her Splended Journey home.