Uncle Stu knows all the words to Sound of Music thanks to Ben and Back to the Future will always remind us of Ben. He'll always be remembered for being a very brave, special little boy.
Love Uncle Stu & Aunty Louise

Uncle Stu knows all the words to Sound of Music thanks to Ben and Back to the Future will always remind us of Ben. He'll always be remembered for being a very brave, special little boy.

Uncle Stu knows all the words to Sound of Music thanks to Ben and Back to the Future will always remind us of Ben. He'll always be remembered for being a very brave, special little boy!
Love Uncle Stu & Aunty Louise

Although I only got to know Ben, Sandra, Phil and Steph during the last 5 years and the disease had already limited Ben to his wheelchair it is through the Scrapbooks and albums that Sandra has made of Ben's life that I am able to see what a gorgous baby and toddler with a very cheeky grin he was. Even though he was limited in alot of ways, he enjoy life and especially the "Back to the Future" Movies. Sandra and Phil made sure that Ben was able to do things and go places and make alot of wonderful memories that they, Steph and anyone that met Ben will treasure for a life time.

When Ben got home from school, he would put a Wiggles video on; get his guitar out and don the shades and strum away, while singing to the songs. He would then go into the master bedroom and look in the mirror, while strumming the guitar and then go back to standing in front of the video! He would go back and forth for hours!

I will never forget our time spent at Disneyland. Ben had been granted a wish by the Make A Wish Foundation and it was a magical holiday. He thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent there, even though he was limited with the rides he could go on! However, there is always something to see at Disneyland. He also enjoyed the night out at Medieval Times, watching the knights on their horses, thundering around the stadium and having lance duels etc. The audience was colour coded to coincide with each knight and we were supporting the "blue" knight. While he didn't win the duels, he won the maiden's heart at the end of the night!!
It was a great trip, enjoyed by the whole family!! Thank you to the Make A Wish Foundation!
Sandra Brown
13 years agoAt the first Tahs training session we went to in January 2008 at Moore Park, Sydney.