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Tinuke Olukoya
12 years ago

Akin you lived an impactful life. You were always a caring person . I remember the good counsels you gave me when i was a jambite and throughout your medilag years. I thank God for your family and achievements in just 51 yrs. I will cherish the fond memories of us growing up together. You were endowed with a special grace of joviality. Sleep on dear cousin and may the Lord grant your wife and children divine support as they take over the baton from you. IJN. Sun re o Omo Lomuwa. Tinuke

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Ps. David Taiwo
12 years ago

When I first met you in 1974, you had the task of teaching me the ropes - inlcuding those Hymns for morning devotion - for the first week at our illustrious school. Your firm, disciplined and unambiguous mentoring ment that I learnt those songs faster than many others. Because we shared the same line of college brothers, you were always prominent in my memories of Christ's School. I am certain that you left an enviable legacy of academic excellence, vision, sense of purpose, commitment and diligence for your children and others to follow. Eventhough I last saw you in 1977, it is sad that you have departed these plains for eternity so early. However, we shall not mounr as those without hope. Rest in peace. May the Lord Jesus Christ comfort your wife, children, family and friends.

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Gbenga Abimbola
12 years ago

I met Dr. Akingboju Gbayisemore before 1997 in New Jersey. He was a gentle man and a good friend of mine. May his soul rest in peace. Gbenga Abimbola Westerville, OH

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Karrenton Mordi
12 years ago

I have happened to know Dr Gbayisimore during my early years as a nurse. He was my personal physician who in the course of our closeness we became personal friends. He knows my family as well as I knew his. He was a man of great talent, compassion, ingetrity, and a profound physician. He is always smiling whenever you meet him, and always there whenever you need him. I still remeber watching him in a video clip of my moms birthday party which he was on the high table. I saw him last in his office two months ago when we prayed together. Good person don't last and I know he is in the bosom of the lord. I'm going to truly miss my friend and my Doctor , I will keep the video. I pray that God will give the family grace and fortitude to bear this irrepaireable loss. Adeu

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It's been a while since we left school but you did well for yourself as a classmate, a husband, a father, a physician and most importantly as a child of God. You led a life that made your classmates proud. With a heavy heart I bid you farewell from this sinful world. We love you but God loves you most. May the Holy Spirit Himself comfort your dear wife and your children. May the good Lord grant them the fortitude to bear this great loss. Sun re o, Akin! Folake '73-'77 set

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The New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Haitian Physicians Abroad (AMHE-NJ) presents its condolences to the family and colleagues of Dr. Akingboju Gbaysomore. The Chapter joins its voice to those of the Caribbean Mission of New Jersey, of the North Jersey Medical Association, of the Association of Nigerian Physicians to mourn the death of a physician and a scholar whose death will leave a gaping hole in the practice of medicine in our communities. . At 51, Dr. Gbaysomore was a stalwart of his profession. He was one of the very rare physicians holding four board certifications in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine and Palliative Care Medicine. . He was an Assistant Professor of Pulmonary Medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), director of Palliative Care Medicine at Beth Israel Medical Center and East Orange General Hospital, assistant-director of the Intensive Care Unit at East General Hospital, and lecturer emeritus at different institutions. .. On August 1, Dr. Akin Gbaysomore died peaceful in his bed, at his home, in South Orange, New Jersey, victim of a disease that he battled for one year, before succumbing. Peace be with his soul. He is survived by his Jamaican-born wife and by three children. . Dr. Akin Gbaysomore will be remembered for his trademarked gentleness, political correctness, clinical intelligence, organizational skills, permanent smile, and professorial bow ties. .. Dr. Gbaysomore was a great, faithful friend and supporter of the AMHE-NJ. His passing, at such an early age, gives to many of us a anxious sense of our own fragility and mortality. He is and will be sorely missed. Que la terre lui soit legere! Public Relations AMHE-NJ Chapter

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

It is truly a million dollars smile

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

I met my Uncle just once about 10 years ago, and it was a meeting I will never forget. My sister and I were visiting family in New York, from London. I was about 18 years old at the time, and my Mother, Moronke Odusote formerly Miss Gbayisomore, had told me about a cousin she had in New Jersey. I called him to say 'hello' and he kindly invited my sister Nike and I to spend a weekend with his family, what a wonderful weekend we had. Uncle Akin and Aunt Carmen really made us feel so welcome in their home, took us to the mall, gave us our first all-you-can-eat chinese buffet experience (they were not popular in the UK back then)! We spent our first evening with Uncle Akin giving us a detailed history of our Gbayisomore family and the wonderful impact my Late Grandfather Christopher Gbayisomore, had in his life. I remember returning back to England raving about this wonderful new arm of our family we were fortunate to spend time with. We kept in touch via email after that period. He was truly an inspiration to us all. He will be greatly missed by us, but a welcomed addition to the kingdom of God. My deepest condolences goes out to Aunt Carmen and his beautiful children, the Joy of the Lord shall be your perfect strenght at this time . Rest in Peace Uncle, for you dwelled in Love... Your niece, Yewande

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12 years ago

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It's so sad that God had called you home at an unripe age.Sure you still have so many things left unaccomplished but God knows the best.How do we explain this?If death is selective,Akin should not have died at this time;so young and so soon. But who are we to question God?May the almighty God console your family and take good care of your wife and the little ones you left behind.You will always be remembered for the good things that you had done,both in your proffesion and outside your profession,and the lifes that you touched.God in his kindest mercy will grant you eternal rest. Rest in perfect peace Akin.

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12 years ago

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Akin & George

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We bless the Lord that Dr Gbayisomore has gone to rest with the Lord. Great that he met with the Lord. May the Lord bless and comfort the family he has left behind.

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Juanita Fortune
12 years ago

I met Akin in 1996. As I got to know him I found him to be a very kind caring and considerate person. Fun-loving. He was always smiling. And - oh my goodness - what a smile! Akin had a genuineness within him that...I dare lacking in most. Pretentiousness was not a part of his make-up. Any interaction with him was a refreshing experience. A conversation with him usually ended up being a spirit-lifting exchange. He was truly a ray of sunshine. Over time names were put away. I simply became "My Sister" to him and he "My Brother and Friend" to me. To Akin we were all brothers and sisters. He was indeed very special. I last saw Akin at East Orange General Hospital a few years back. I ran into him after I'd visited my mom who was very ill. He saw how sad I was and took a few moments out of what I'm sure was a very busy schedule to express his concern for her and offer up a "pep talk" for me. He managed to make me laugh. It made me feel better and I so very much appreciated it. He was such a beautiful person. Of all the memories I have of him that is my fondest as it truly touched my heart. Sadly we lost contact and I hadn't seen him in quite a long while. I always thought that we would cross paths again someday a have another opportunity to talk a little and share a few laughs. This was not to be for God in His divine and infinite wisdom had other plans for Akin and called him home. As much as we don't like losing him he could be in no better hands. We all loved Akin but God loved him best. He's alright now. I was deeply saddened to receive the news of his passing. To his wife and family I extend my heartfelt condolences. May God comfort and keep you all through these most difficult times and beyond. I shall keep you all in my prayers. Akin's earthly body has gone to sleep but his spirit is not dead as he had accepted Jesus the Christ as his Lord and Saviour. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life". John 3:16 (NIV) Rest Peacefully, Akin My Brother & Friend Juanita Fortune

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Jimi Owoseni
12 years ago

I was devastated when I heard last week but i know you are in the bossom of the lord.You have done your part and you made a mark with people that came across your path.Rest in Peace. Sun re ooo ore mi. With a heavy heart, I share my condolences with your family. May the Almighty God comfort the family and uphold everyone of you all. AMEN.

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Jide Osundina
12 years ago

This came to me as a shock. Real big one as I write this in tears. He was my good friend in school. I remember with tears how we used to flock around with Bumi Adejumo,Akin Kuplokun and few other guys and even thereafter when he was I. n medical school and as a young doctor in Lagos before we lost contact when he moved to US. Gazimore was a vibrant, loving soul that anybody will want to associate with. Death where is thy sting grave where is thy victory. Akin, your m emory lingers in my heart. Rest in the bosom of the Lord my Good friend.- Jide Osundina.

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12 years ago

Dr. Akin Gbayisomore was my senior at Christ's School. I got news about his terminal sickness through a friend and was very saddened with it. I was devastated when I eventually heard that he has passed on. However, my sadness lifted when I began to read that he was a believer. Akin Gbayisomore, despite what you went through, I now know that you are more than a conqueror through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor heights, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which was in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom 8: 37-39. You fought a good fight, you finished your course, you kept the faith. Henceforth, there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give you on that day: and not to you only, but unto all of us also that love his appearing. 2 Tim 4: 6-8. Good night, my dear senior. May your soul rest in perfect peace. Ayo Oluleye Xt's School 75-80 Set

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12 years ago

The first time I met you was when you came to our house for the first time, you said we should pray over the new house; what amazed me though was that I was in the kitchen preparing a plate for you and you ordered me to put the plate down and join everyone else in the living room for the prayer. For this, you gained my respect! May your soul rest in perfect peace and may the good Lord uphold every member of your family amen. Sun re o!!!

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12 years ago

I had the opportunity to work with Dr.Ggbaysimore for a short time at community hospital. Dr. "Bowtie", as many would call him, was a very kind and well manner physicians. Whatever we had to call for for TO orders, he was always polite and kind to the nurses. His friendly and kind presence will be missed. My deepest condolences to his family. May God provide comfort to your hearts and strength during these painful times. Respectfully, RN

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Kim Your Buddy
12 years ago

My heart is so very heavy right now I have been so over whelmed with school that i have not seen or heard anything today I cam to work from clinicals and I see a flyer and who but my Bow tie man is on the flyer. I met Dr Gbayismore (My Buddy) in 1995 when i began working at Irvington Family Practice we had countless laughs he encouraged me to go back to school and I did My Buddy you would be proud of me from today I have 16 days left and graduation is on October 13th meet your 2012 Surgical Technologist and oh Physicians Assistance is next on the list and I will forever be grateful for your word of encouragement and I never forget you.. With lots of Love,

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Akin was a classmate that was humble and polite. Always had a smile. It is still hard for me to believe. I pray the Lord will comfort his family and all of us that were fortunate enough to know him. Eternal rest grant him O Lord. The great news is that He knew The Lord. That is all that matters. Akin did well. Sun re o Akingboju Gbayisomore.

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12 years ago

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12 years ago

Abolaji Agunbiade-Fatiregun We were mates in set T 1973/77. i remembered you always had a smile on no matter d situation. thou i did not see u again since 1977, am happy u met with d Lord. i got to know u were great in yr field. May yr soul rest in peace, till we meet to part no more.

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LaDean Mitchell
12 years ago

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Minister Sonja Murray
12 years ago

This is how I remember MY doctor. Always ready to work and to help his people. We have truly been blessed by God to have had him in our lives.

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12 years ago

I think Akin was a great physician whose life terminated at a very young age. He was very respectful to staff, patients and families. We loved him but God loves him more. No more pain, agony, free from sickness, and resting in the bosom hand of Jehovah. May his gentle sole rest in perfect peace. Amen!!!!!!

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LaDean Mitchell
12 years ago

I met Dr. Gbayisomore (Dr. Bowtie) at the VA Hospital where he did his residency. He always wore a bowtie and thats how I referred to him as Dr. Bowtie. Everytime I called them that he would just laugh. He had such a great smile and personality. Years later when I worked at Irvington General I would often run into and I would say hey Dr. Bowtie and again he would laugh. He always remained the same everytime I saw him. I last saw him at Beth Israel hospital and again same greeting. He was a special guy and he will be greatly missed.

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12 years ago

I received this sad news of the home going of my classmate, brother and a friend Dr. Akingboju Gbayisomore (AKINZOID). Akin was a well respected physician, and he gave his life to our Lord Jesus Christ. I remembered when I visited him at home when he was sick. He said Ope, I thank God almighty for what he had done in my life...and Akin was quoting so many verses in the bible. We prayed together and I said ‘Akin it is well with you in Jesus name’..Akin said o se Ope… To Carmen and the entire family, you are not the only one mourning the loss of your husband and father; we are all mourning with you. Blessed be to God for the life of Dr. Akingboju Gbayisomore. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen. Let me share this passage with you from: I Thessalonians 4:13-18, and I quote........ "But I would not like you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words." - I Thessalonians 4:13-18 God Bless you all. Ope Adebayo(Opi)

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Babajide Oluyemi
12 years ago

Akin was like my big brother, he was always there for me. He had the biggest smile, he was kind, loving, considerate, down to earth and humble. He was smart and confident, no pretenses, what you see is what you get and he will be sorely missed. Akin died in Christ, he was faithful till the end which means that he is sleeping in the Lord and we will see him again. 1 Thess 4: 16-18 says For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. Let us keep Carmen, Bisi, Femi and Moremi in our prayers, let's ask the Lord to comfort and strengthen them. Let's remember his mom and siblings in our prayers also. Let's be there for them, not just over the next couple of weeks, they need our support much longer than that. Most of all, let's all look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. To Him belong all the honor and glory. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 Tim 4: 8 says Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. Akin has a crown of righteousness laid up for him. Right now, he is sleeping in perfect peace.

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Otunba Muyiwa Sho
12 years ago

Words can't express the great loss but the Almighty GOD in His infinite mercies knows best. Your fond memories will be close to all our hearts. You touched so many lives with your amiable personality full of passion and smile. You certainly have left your footprints on the sands of time. You are remembered now with great sadness in our hearts, but when God who is the great Comforter heals all hearts, We will all remember you with a smile......afterall Didun ni iranti olododo . I pray that your entire family will find solace in the wonderful memories you left behind. Akin, you are loved and we want you to live forever, but Jesus loves you more. Sleep well in the bosom of your maker. You will definitely be greatly missed. Let me conclude with these words of Solomon, "Moreover, no man knows when his hour will come: As fish are caught in a cruel net, or birds are taken in a snare, so men are trapped by evil times that fall unexpectedly upon them" (Ecclesiastes 9:12 NIV). According to the words of Solomon, "'Meaningless! Meaningless!' says the Teacher. 'Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless,'" and "What does a man get for all the toil and anxious striving with which he labors under the sun?" (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:22 NIV). What really are we living for if death can render everything meaningless within seconds without warning? Why are we struggling to become somebody on earth when it is certain that we will leave everything one day? This makes the words of Paul in Philippians 1:21 relevant here: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (NIV). Living for Jesus Christ will make our living on earth meaningful and our death a gain for us. Adieu Akingboju AKINZO Gbayisomore…"The Le’Gri with a smile". O digba miran, o di oju ala. Sun re o.

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