Today,was 15th.July 2011. 7:02PM I was about to ring George to say hi and If His still running his Shop..and if he's still Leasing his flat at Oxford St. Bondi Junction..I used to be his Tenant on that premises from July 1998 to Dec.2003,till we move in here at Mascot, I lost his Phone number and trying to find it here at google,when out of a saddened i saw this Tribute to Him,,To you George,,you were like my real Grandad and a Good Father and a Good landlord to me,,I remember before we move in to your flat..we paint the properties together with my young son my side,,we paint the house for couple of days,you are the most decent,and honest man/ a person i have ever met..i was still shocked from reading and watching your picture tonite,,My belated condolences to the Giacco Family..Its been a good 7 years of knowing you personally..and good 24 years i have known you since i was a 20 year old customer of yours,,from your barber shop.....Im deeply sorry its to late for me to say goodbye and Hello atleast.....I won't forget the times we share almost every week..when i handed my weekly rent pay to your shop,,and we always have a good conversation... in behalf of my wife,,Vivian,,and my kids you used to chat with....Axel..Keisha and Hazel... your always in my mind and heart.......From; Philip Galvez

Today,was 15th.July 2011. 7:02PM I was about to ring George to say hi and If His still running his Shop..and if he's still Leasing his flat at Oxford St. Bondi Junction..I used to be his Tenant on that premises from July 1998 to Dec.2003,till we move in here at Mascot, I lost his Phone number and trying to find it here at google,when out of a saddened i saw this Tribute to Him,,To you George,,you were like my real Grandad and a Good Father and a Good landlord to me,,I remember before we move in to your flat..we paint the properties together with my young son my side,,we paint the house for couple of days,you are the most decent,and honest man/ a person i have ever met..i was still shocked from reading and watching your picture tonite,,My belated condolences to the Giacco Family..Its been a good 7 years of knowing you personally..and good 24 years i have known you since i was a 20 year old customer of yours,,from your barber shop.....Im deeply sorry its to late for me to say goodbye and Hello atleast.....I won't forget the times we share almost every week..when i handed my weekly rent pay to your shop,,and we always have a good conversation... in behalf of my wife,,Vivian,,and my kids you used to chat with....Axel..Keisha and Hazel... your always in my mind and heart.......From; Philip Galvez

Nono peace be with you!
I send my love to you and all my family. I would like to be there right now.

To our Great Grandfather Nonno George, we thank you for all the wonderful memories and happy times we will cherish these forever, we love you and miss you and we know you're in a happy place, you'll be in our hearts forever Marcelo, Kiara and Luca. We cherish your smiley face and your memorables moments love Paola and Renato

To our great grandfather Nonno George, Thank you for the wonderful memories like the time you posed patiently whilst i did a portrait of you (Marcelo), the visits where you would get your guitar out and play songs and your smiley face. You'll live in our hearts forever, Marcelo, Kiara and Luca
We miss you Nonno and we know you will always be with us Paola & Renato

Will miss you Nono !!