JERRY' You were a wild man, and for quite awhile we didnt see eye to eye. One memory of Jerry was at the bar Knights Out in Thorp Wis. I was sleeping in bed when i heard someone coming up the stairs at 2am. I knew it was Jerry becouse it took him awhile to make it up the steps. I thought to myself; OH HERE WE GO AGAIN. becouse we fought alot. Jerry stumbled into the bedroom we shared, turned the light on, stared straight at me while he took off his watch and in one vicious blow, punched the brick chimney so hard it sent chilles up my spine. Jerry turned to me and said; RICK IF ANYBODY GIVES YOU A HARD TIME YOU JUST LET ME KNOW. I just about went into complete shock. I often look back at that moment and wander why he never punched me like that. Thank god becouse i wouldnt be righting this story. But thats how Jerry was at times, he had a heart. As we got older i use to visit Jerry in st paul. We use to talk about the good times at the bar, and about all the different charactures we encountered. We shared some good times together finally. When ever i would meet a friend of Jerrys, they would all tell me the same thing, And that was; Jerry said this about you; Jerry said that about you,; ALL GOOD STUFF. Not enough people knew Jerry that way.I worked with Jerry one winter moving furniture for a company in St Paul. I never knew anyone that could stack furniture so tight, good and consistent. And yes Shawn, Jerry should have been a race car driver but i think he knew with his size he might of needed alot of help getting in and out of that damn drivers window. HA, Ha. I know Jerry loved his family and was proud of them, just like Jerrys immediate family is, please call once in a while so we can get together. When Jerry was near the end he was trying to do too much too fast with the kids becouse he knew he didnt have enough time to spend with them and Mary and sometimes he would get frustrated. But he loved his family dearly. Love you Jerry, Your brother RICK O

I remember how happy and proud you were when Shannon was born. I remember seeing her for the first time and you were glowing as a new father and the feeling of love toward her was contagious. I saw you rarely, but after each of your children were born, the fact that you were proud of them was obvious. You are missed.

My memories of Jerry live on! He was on of 6 brothers.He was so cute,smiled alot,and an all around fun guy!When he was little,with Paul and Rick,I took them all under my wing.I took the smallest bedroom in the house,with a single bed in it.I took Paul,Jerry,and Rick into my room,changed diapers,layed them all sideways in my bed,so we all would fit,and went to sleep.I tried to be the best I could be for them,because I loved them so much.I just wish I could have been able to protect you from cancer.A secret I had.When I came to see you before you passed on,I tried to purposely make you mad,cuz I wanted you to FIGHT that cancer.I guess you had no fight left in you.Love and miss you Jerry

He was not only my uncle, but also my best friend!!! One of the times together I wont forget was cruising in his 1967 Firebird, we were looking for a parking space in a tight ally way and he had to turn around, so he floored it and spun that car into a 180 degree spot parking it perfectly with inches to spare. Ive still never seen anyone with his driving abilities. I think of him every day.

He was not only my uncle, but also my best friend!!! One of the times together I wont forget was cruising in his 1967 Firebird, we were looking for a parking space in a tight ally way and he had to turn around, so he floored it and spun that car into a 180 degree spot parking it perfectly with inches to spare. Ive still never seen anyone with his driving abilities. I think of him every day.

I love you and miss you so much. You are so special to me, but I swear you were the Bestest dad ever!