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14 years ago

i miss you so much. i remember this day we went boating..... the water was so clear, not a cloud in the sky, almost as beautiful as you.

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14 years ago

Hi Jayme, I miss her too. Love you, Carrie

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14 years ago

Hi Jennifer, I had visited this memorial of you last night, the eve of your passing one year ago, and had some problems with saving and uploading the letter I wrote. Hopefully, with some luck this time I will be able to post a letter today. I just want you to know that I miss you so much. I know that you are doing well there in heaven. You were such a wonderful sister to me. I want to thank you for the wonderful surprise we had in Banff. There are no coincidence, so I know you had a hand in making this happen.The view from the balcony was awesome. While setting on the balcony, I notice a sweet little bird right next to me. I felt your sweetness being reflected through the eyes of this cute little bird. I know how much you love Buddy, our bird. It would be just like you to embody the spirit of a cute little bird, so that you could share this moment we spoke about right before you passed. Oh, by-the-way, I bought a cute little male Havanese puppy. His name is Max, and he often reminds me of you. It would have been the dog you would have picked out. He is so cute. You would have love this little dog. I am sending you a picture of Max. Take care Jennifer, and know that you are always with me in my heart is where you reside. Love you so much, Your sister, Carrie

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14 years ago

Hi Jennifer, It has been a year since you have passed onto the true reality, a world so pure of love and truth, a world that reflects the kind of soul you were in this mundane world. . Jennifer, I miss you so much. I had been so blessed with your present while sharing life with you here on earth. You had a presents about you that can only be truly measured in a world way beyond this one. I love you and miss you, but I know, you are still with me today in spirit. I hope all is well in the world you live in now, Your loving sister, Carrie P.S. Thank you so much for arranging the special moment I had with you in Banff, Canada at the Fairmont Lake Louise. The balcony view was awesome, especially knowing that you were there in spirit in the form of a cute little bird that joined me at that special moment when I was celebrating you life.

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15 years ago

Jennifer,<br /> <br /> I remember right before you died, the day before, that you asked me again where we are suppose to meet up in the future in Canada. I am reminding you that on Thursday August 13, 2009 we will be checking in at the Fairmont Lake Louise near Banff, Canada I am thinking that around 8:00 pm on the 13th I will have a martini waiting for you. I will feel you in spirit at that time.<br /> I am looking so forward to seeing you there in spirit,<br /> Love you,<br /> <br /> Carrie

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14 years ago

Hi Jennifer, Although it has taken me this long to respond to the event that unfolded when that day came for us to carry out the pack we had between us; it sure was not from lack of trying with this Respectance website that sometimes decides not to make it user friendly or maybe it is just me not knowing exactly how to work this website that will transmit the signals needed to let you know I am ready to tell all that reads this that our love ones who pass are there for us. Lake Louise was so beautiful and the day that I entered the hotel, expectations got the best of me when entering our hotel room hurriedly looking for the balcony that we will meet up at that decided day of 13th of August. Well, it did not take long to realize that in this room there was no balcony. With that realization, I soon began to cry while calling the desk clerk and explaining why I was so upset. She only informed me that she was sorry but because we came in late, there were no balcony rooms available in the category room that I booked and in fact, she mention that the hotel was totally booked. Feeling the disappointment that I felt after giving her the facts of why, she told me that she would let the hotel manger know about my situation. I did explained to her that I conveyed to the booking agent of why it was so important to have the balcony room. After hanging up from the phone, I knew that I would have to make do with the picture windows that looked over beautiful Lake Louise. Since we got in lake and 8:00 pm coming upon us, I asked Charlie and my sons if they could give me 30 minutes of time so I could have a moment with you to express the gratitude that I have to have had you in my life. They left and I had that moment but before the 30 minutes were up, the phone rang, and it was the manager of the hotel. He told me he had heard my story, and apologized for not having any more rooms with a balcony in the price point that I had agree to early in March. He also told me that the only room that he had available was four times the rate that I was paying for the hotel we were in, but he was willing to upgrade us to a $1300.00 a night suite for only an up graded charge of $200.00 night. The room was only available for one night only and the people that were in it would be checking out at 12:00 pm the next day. My husband agree to the upgrade charge. He then told me that he personally would like to take me to the room at 12:00 the next day. Well, at 12:00 he came knocking at my door, and we both proceeding towards the suite room that was 1300 dollars a night. As we got closer to our room, he begin to say to me, "remember the room you and your sister saw on the internet and agree to meet up there on the balcony but because you found out the it was a honeymoon suite and that only accommodates two people and because it was a bit out of your price range, you would not be interested. I said yes of course I remembered. Well, he begin to say that the room your sister and you seen on the internet happens to be the room your family will be staying in tonight and we will bring in roll away beds to accommodate your sons. He opened the door, and I began to cry knowing that in someway this was more than just a mere coincidence; I truly felt you had a major hand in making this happen, and if not, it must have been God. Oh, by the way, the night before was a cute way of letting us know that you were present. Brandon shared the next day about the dream of someone pulling on his pillow causing him to wake up only to realize that everyone was still sleeping, so he fell back to sleep and shortly after, he said that someone was pulling on his arm trying to pull him out of bed. He was very scared and beginning to wonder if the hotel room was haunted. I honestly have to admit when he was telling us about this, I was scared too but a light bulb went off, I knew it was you and it would be so fitting for your sense of humor, and Brandon had to agree, it would be just like you to use Brandon, the skeptic like his father, to convey a message with a sense of humor that you were with us. Getting back to my moment with you on the balcony overlooking the beautiful Lake Louise a very cute bird appeared and I knew that within this bird I felt contained your spirit. I do have a picture of this. I miss you so much and sometime the pain of missing you finds it way into the light of knowing how bless I was to have shared so many wonderful memories with you in this life. I love you Jennifer and you will always be with me in my heart for ever, until we meet again. What do you think of Max, our new Havanese puppy. I think your spirit is within you!!!

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

Jennifer, we have been through so much. I cannot begin to tell how much I miss your face, your smile, your presence and most of all your LOVE. I miss you so much Jennifer. You will always be my LITTLE GURLEY. I want you to come home. But I know that you have higher responsibility than. I carry our angel every I go. We will see each other soon enough. YOUR LOVE ALWAYS, Gary

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Gary Hiatt
14 years ago

Hello My Love, I am sorry did not post on your website when your one year anniversary came. Its been difficult and I know that you understand. I keep your pictures in every room so I can see you all of the time. It helps more than it hurts. You are always on my mind and I cannot seem accept that you are not coming home. I know that you are in such a better place and are not hurting or having to be afraid anymore. We all miss you Jennifer. You are still and will always be in my heart and soul, and I am going to a better person the rest of my life because of you. You are the kindest and strongest person that I have ever known, and I get my strength from you. Its very difficult sometimes but I am learning to get through each day and cherishing all of the times we shared. I love you and always will Jennifer, I know you are home now and I will see you again, All of My Love, Gary

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15 years ago

Sweetie I love you so much,I don"t know what I will ever do with out you. My heart is breaking ,how can I let you go?You are part of me and will be for ever, love me . AS I love you. Mother Dear

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15 years ago

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Karen Oost
15 years ago

My how time flies, you think that you will never grow up and then you blink and you're an adult, wondering where all those childhood years went. I have so many memories of growing up next door to the Fischer's. First communion, grade school, band, all the cardboard houses we all built under the carport. The hugh snowman built in front of Jean and Lee Roy's house. What a labor of love that was for all us to build. Sliding down the hill between our houses either on cardboard or on the sleds. We sure did have some fun. Now, Jeni you are with Becky and I know that you are both looking down on us here and watching us. One day we will all meet again. Until then, I will never forget all our childhood memories.

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15 years ago

Karen, Thank you for sharing this beautiful memory you shared with Jennifer. Your childhood neighbor & friend, Carrie

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15 years ago

Thank you Karen for your memory of Jeni,All of you kids have a lot of good stories to tell.You all were good kids having fun doing the simple things like building that big snowman. Isn't that the one Steve Brinksneader knocked down and it made you all so mad.

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15 years ago

We had the priviledge of meeting Jennifer through Gary Hiatt. Jennifer was a beautiful woman with a beautiful soul. The thing that stands out most about Jenny is that she always had a positive attitude and a pretty smile. (What the world needs more of!) She will be truly missed and we will remember her often. Our sympathy goes out to her family and friends. She cared deeply about you and I know she'll always be with you in spirit.

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15 years ago

It was a gift for me to have the opportunity to care for my sister Jennifer last year at my home at Mastique. She lived her for five months last year in 2008. She loved Mastique and I love sharing such a beautiful place here in Fort Myers.

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

Jennifer, I am going to miss you very much. You were always a wonderful sister to me. I know you will still be with me in spirit laughing during the good times and crying during the bad ones. I will miss being able to call you any time and spend hours talking about everything under the sun, especially those recent moments we shared around the pool at Mastique or at the beach. The fun times we had shopping together. We had our own set of friends and our own set of goals for our lives, but that still didn't change the fact that we were sisters. There was nothing that I wouldn't do for you and nothing that you wouldn't do for me.You have always been so supportive of me, and I thank you so much for that. I wish you were still here with me enjoying life with me here at Mastique. I will always treasure the times we had shared, especially the times we had together while you were living with me last year. But I can understand why God would want such a beautiful angel on his side from now until eternity. Just know that I love you and will miss you very much, and some day we will meet again. Don't forget to meet up with me in spirit at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise this August 13th. I will call for you and we will share a drink overlooking Lake Louise from the balcony. Here is a poem for you Jennifer: If tears could build a stairway and thoughts a memory lane I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again No Farewell words were spoken No time to say good-bye You were gone before I knew it And only God knows why. My heart is still active in sadness And secret tears still flow What it meant to lose you No one can ever know. But now I know you want us not to be sad but to smile because you had lived your life with joy and was loved by many who knew you I can close my eyes and pray that you will come back or I can open my eyes and see all you have left. My heart can be empty because I can't see you or I can be full of the love that we shared as sisters I can turn my back on tomorrow and live yesterday or I can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday. I can remember you only that you have gone or I can cherish my memories of you and let it live on. I can cry and close my mind, be empty and turn my back or I can do what you would want: smile, open my eyes, love and go on. Love you always, Your sister, Carrie

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15 years ago

Jennifer was fun-loving, smart, kind, thoughtful, and had a wonderful sense-of-humor. She was always the life of party. She was blessed with many positive qualities that people who were lucky enough to have known her admired those qualities in her. I will miss my dear sister, but I know she is in a very good place. I love you Jennifer. Carrie, Older sister.

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15 years ago

She was blessed by so many who loved her. We all loved her because we saw within her the soul that radiated positive energy. You always felt good about yourself when you were near her. She was so much fun to be around. Great sense of humor. If there was ever a role model on how to die with dignity, courage, and grace, it was her. She was gift to behold. Thank you Jennifer for being you. You were a blessing. I will love you always, and i know someday we will meet again. Your grateful sister , Carrie

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15 years ago

Jennifer my beautiful daughter,I miss you so much. You were really a gift I"m so glad that god gave you to me,I just wish he would have not have taken you home so soon.Your Father and I love you so much. You grew into a beautiful woman inside and out.You had a very good and caring heart for your family and freinds and all the little animals in your life. I will love you forever. Until we meet again Your loving Mother Dear

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15 years ago

Jennifer was loved very much by her neighbors Clara Mae and Delmar

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15 years ago

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15 years ago

In our youth, Jenni was the first of us to leave the comfort of the surroundings of where we were born.(California Dreaming) She had the courage to actively pursue her dreams & ideals. Life here on Earth can be measured in many ways, just time spent, or how you spend the time you're dealt Jenni lead a full productive life and set an example for us all. Once again, she's the first of us to leave the comfort of our surroundings and set course wherever the road may lead. Love you Jenni, Charlie

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15 years ago

People are bad and good and far between. She lived good and in her heart you could see a soul full of purity That was only fitted for a queen. I can only hope to see you in my dreams. You will be with me as an angel on my wing I will be with you when God decides it is my time to be living in Heaven with my Aunt Jenny Brandon

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15 years ago

Anyone who has had the good fortune of knowing Jeni knew that she was a true gem. I had the pleasure--and the honor--of being Jeni's friend for almost 35 years. Jeni was adorable, sweet, witty, enthusiastic, smart, and so considerate. She loved her family, her friends, and her dogs. She loved life itself. Jeni was a beautiful woman. She took took enormous pride in herself and in her surroundings. She always looked so good. She was very fashionable, and not a thread was ever out of place. She was also very creative and loved to decorate. She had the talent to make things look better. Jeni was beautiful on the outside, but more importantly, she was beautiful on the inside. She was an eternal optimist who maintained a great attitude and always had a smile on her face when she walked into a room. Jeni never threw a "pity party" over her illness. Even while Jeni was undergoing chemotherapy--which took her beautiful hair--she kept a positive attitude. Throughout her ordeal, all the way to the end, Jeni remained an amazingly strong and courageous woman. Jeni and I go WAY BACK. We first met in 1976 during the "disco phase" at a popular dance club in Evansville, Indiana, called "Funkys." Our connection was immediate. At the time, Jeni was looking for a roommate. We agreed to share an apartment and this was the start of a strong bond that would last a lifetime. Not to mention that Jeni was a fantastic professional hairstylist, which was just one of the many "perks" of being her friend! She was so much fun to be around and everyone who knew her loved her. Years went by, and Jeni moved to California We kept in touch often, and after I visited her in California, Jeni talked me into moving there too. It wasn't too long before we became roommates again. The road between us would never be too long and life's circumstances would always seem to reunite us. I guess it was fate. We shared so much. I will never forget that time when Jeni and I went snow-skiing with some other friends on Big Bear mountain in California. Both of us were inexperienced skiers. Jeni and I somehow took the wrong ski lift and we unexpectedly found ourselves at the top of Big Bear Mountain, which is 13,000 feet high! Trust me, it is a place where only a professional skier would want to be. As if that wasn't bad enough, a snow storm hit while we were up there. The lifts were shut down and the officials made everyone self-evacuate the top of the mountain. Of course, as inexperienced as we were, there was no way that Jeni and I could have skied down from the top. We were at the top of an approximately 160 degree slope, with visibility of about 5 feet! Jeni and I had no choice but to WALK all of the way down this mountain, both of us scared and cold. It took us 3-4 hours to get down, and when we got to the bottom of the mountain we were so thankful that we had made it down safely. As you can imagine, we were SO ready to go home! We immediately got in Jeni's car and left. As we were driving down the mountain in the snow storm, a huge truck slid on the road and crashed into our car, shoving us into the side of the mountain. Jeni's car had a lot of damage, but miraculously it still ran. Jeni and I were hysterical at this point. I remember that we both got religious that day, thanking God that we were alive. Jeni and I agreed that this was an experience we both would never forget. We both were ready to write books or have the experience made into a "made for TV" movie. "The Day on Big Bear Mountain" was just one of the many experiences that Jeni and I shared over the past 35 years. We have been through so much together: break-ups with boyfriends, weddings, divorces, illness, surgery, Together, we have been through it all--both good times and bad. We were two young "hot babes" living in LA and going to the clubs, hitting all of the hot spots. We spent lots of time going to the beach on weekends and hours of shopping--which we both loved to do--and just "doing" the whole LA/Hollywood scene. Jeni was so much fun to be with and we had so many laughs together and did a lot of fun/crazy things. We were a couple of characters--or, as Jeni would say, a couple of knuckleheads." The years rolled by in California, and eventually I moved back to the Midwest, to Kansas City. Jeni stayed in California, but we always stayed in touch. Jeni later became sick with an auto-immune disease called. Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome. In 1997 Jeni moved back to Tell City, Indiana, due to this debilitating illness. Jeni spent the next six years in Indiana, trying to regain her health. It was a difficult time for Jeni. She wanted so bad to get well. When that day finally arrived, Jeni decided that it was time to get back to work and get on with her life again. I invited her to move to Kansas City, where she could move in with me and and get a fresh start on her new life. Jeni accepted, and we became roommates for the third time in 2003. Jeni and I could talk about anything and everything. We were as close as two girlfriends could ever be. Jeni consoled me during the difficult times in my life. I could ask or tell her anything. She was my rock and she always understood me. She was honest and open, she was never biased, and she would always give the best advice. I know there were so many times that I must have driven Jeni crazy with my insecurities. If I asked her once I must have asked her a million times, '"Jeni, does my butt look big in these pants?" But Jeni never got annoyed. She had the patience of Job. I never knew one person that ever met Jeni that didn't like her. In fact , everyone loved her. No wonder, because Jeni could always see the best in anyone. She had it together and I admire her so much. All our mutual friends admired her as well. Jeni was the kind of woman that other women wished they were like. She was easy-going and never brought negativity to a relationship. She believed in always keeping things upbeat and lively. Jeni loved her family so much. She had a very strong bond with all of them and she spoke nothing but love for each one. I know that Jeni's memory will remain in their hearts for the rest of their lives. Jeannie and Leroy, it is obvious that you were great parents to have raised someone who had such good character, morals and values. Jeni grew up to be a wonderful human being. She was the best. You must be very proud. Gary, thank you for being the man that Jeni so desired and always wanted. She deserved to have a man who truly loved her. You were a wonderful caregiver and she loved you so much for taking care of her. I will miss so many things about Jeni. I'll miss our shopping sprees together. We loved to go to TJ Maxx and would spend hours there together. Jeni was always the one who got the best bargains on shoes, since she wore a size 6 shoe. She had the prettiest little feet I've ever seen on a woman We both loved to get together and hang out at the gym, do lunch, have coffee, eat chocolate in some or any form or just share that precious "girl-bonding" time that we both treasured. I will miss everything about you, Jeni. You were my true, true faithful friend and I thank you so much, for you have graced my life more than you will ever know. I will never forget you and I will always love you. I hope that someday we will be roommates again in Heaven. Kathy Kirkwood Pallante

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15 years ago

Kathy, Thank you for this beautiful Eulogy. You read it beautifully at the Memorial Service. You were a wonderful friend to Jennifer. She was so blessed to have you in her life. Thank you for all that you have done in helping get her life started in Kansas City. Let's keep in-touch. Carrie Jennifer's Older Sister

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15 years ago

My Aunt Jennifer was a wonderful person. I cherish the time i had with her, I only wish I had more. I will miss you telling me to take out the trash and pick up my room. I will miss you correcting my essays and telling me my sentences make no sense. But most of all i will miss your presence of kindness and love whenever i was around you. I will always miss you and keep you in my heart. Love your nephew Brandon.

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15 years ago

Unfortunately, I did not get to know Jennifer. Jeanne is my Aunt and I've never really got to meet her. My heart goes out to Jeanne and Leroy for the loss of their child. It just doesn't seem fair. You go through life taking care of children and hoping nothing ever happens to them. You always believe that you will go before your children because that is supposed to be the cycle of life. I've gotten to know alot about Jennifer from the other beautiful tributes from friends and family members. I lost my daughter 2 months ago and I know that her and Jennifer will finally get to know each other. They are in a better place and with a parent that will watch over them for eternity. My prayers are with Jennifer's family and I know the pain that they are feeling. But have no regrets and no guilt, because we are parents of angels for just a short time.

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15 years ago

Thank you for your lovely tribute and your prayers. I will miss my sister very much. She a wonderfu sister and friend to me and Tobie. Carrie Older Sister

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15 years ago

I have such wonderful memories of Aunt Jennie. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her growing up, but when I was with her she left me in "awe"..... she was like a movie star to me. She was beautiful and confident and always had a way of teaching me something with her actions and words. I am so blessed to have been a part of her life. All my love, Joy

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15 years ago

Joy, Thank you for your lovely tribute to your Aunt Jennfer. Your Aunt, Carrie

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Tobie Fischer
15 years ago

Joy, Jennifer loves you still, Aunt Tobie

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