I will always remember Kian's big wonderful smile and warm nature. His smile and warm nature were extremely infectious and one could not help but walk away happy after any interaction with him. I only got to work with Kian on the odd occasion but it was always a pleasure catching up with him over lunch, toastmaster or just randomly bumping into him at work.
Kian you will be highly missed. Rest in peace my friend.

Kian and I joined Orion Health on the same day, on Monday 27th September, 2004. Back then, he was already an experienced hot-shot consultant while I was nervously trying to make my way through my first real IT job. We initlaly started in the same team, though throughout our time in Orion Health we didn't really work together that much. But despite that, we still managed to build a friendship from that first day, and I have some endearing memories to go with it. Such as: our first induction into Orion Health, the yummy lunches at Sri Pinang and the very dodgy Mercury Plaza, your hilarious icebreaker speech in Toastmasters which had me in fits, our evening runs around Mt Eden on cold nights, the time you thrashed me in badminton while giving me a few easy points, the Guitar Hero session on my last day in NZ where you couldn't hold a beat, and secretly bugging me for SMT help (which I'd always give) without going through my team lead first... there are many others, but they are too numerous to write here.
I know, from reading the memories posted here, that you have touched many lives, you have certainly touched mine. My life, and those in Orion Health, will be poorer without you around. Rest in peace, buddy. Gone but not forgotten.

If the ultimate measure of our contribution to humanity during our lives is that we leave it in a better state than when we come in, then Kian has left a significant legacy.
It was my privilege to work alongside Kian 7 years ago when he led the Orion team to implement CIS at Canterbury DHB. As a result of his and his colleagues work, thousands of Canterbury people have received higher quality healthcare.
Kian inspired me with his energy and positiveness when I was a customer and encouraged me to also join the Orion team.
Kian, you will be sorely missed, but your legacy lives on.
Rest in peace, my friend.

Kian - I will always remember how proud you were when Alvin was born. I enjoyed sharing stories of what you had in store as a new dad and hearing the excitement in your voice as you experienced raising your son. Kian you have touched the hearts of many and your legacy lives on, rest in peace my friend.

Hi mate, it's still hard to accept the fact that you are no longer with us...
I will miss our funny chats, badminton, golf, spicy hotpot place... I won't have the chance to try to get you to play tennis... may you rest in peace my dear friend.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Kian if only for a short while. Always was a delight to chat with. He will be missed greatly by myself and many.

I will miss our insane badminton sessions - and all those gaming nights. And all the trash talking that came with them.

Kian was a pleasure to work with - he was always ready with a smile and a laugh even when we were working on tough projects. He will be very sorely missed by our team.

And when we have remembered everything, We grow afraid of what we may forget.
A face, a voice, a smile?
No need to fear forgetting, because the heart remembers always.

It was great having the privilege to work with Kian. He would always treat you like a friend and put in effort to help you. Kian was always ready to have a bit of a laugh and help to make light of tough situations. You will be greatly missed.