I had the priveledge of working with Neil on the North Star BHP project. I have often stated that he was the best enineer that I ever worked with.
More important, he became a true friend. On a project such as this (long and arduous), tempers often flair. Neill was always steady and remained above the fray. If he was upset, you would never know it from his surface demeanor.
I am sure that Neil will be missed by all.
Joe Kaar
(Consultant to Lockwood Greene, USA)

I had the privilege of working with Neil during the construction of the North Star BHP mill in the USA. I was impressed with his honestly and doing things properly. He was obviously a gifted engineer but more important a wonderful individual. May God hold him in the palm of his hand for eternal peace. I am very sorry for your loss.Joe Budion

I worked with Neil for several years in Australia and the US.
He was an excellent engineer, clear thinking, dedicated ..
A clear mind in the confusion and stress.
Very sad to hear he's gone.