I was there put picture up and lit two candles did not see u may be i didnt look hard enouth. miss u well to day is matts b-day .got him a wallet he is off to school he is going for emt. now i am here waiting for zach he is at park i think hes dressed like a gold power ranger well ill be going see u soon
as always,
love mother

happy 29th time flies by will be by the makeshift at 9:oo pm
love and miss u very much
love mother
ps got another gift card u probally would of stuck in the draw and never used

its been a while robert ive been doing the things u asked me to about smoking and having all nesessary tests its been a real hot summer imiss u so much still a day doestnt go by that i think about u and how i really sucked as a mother any way matts got a good job josh i dont know about i have his dog cassie now its a cool dog a german shepard love and miss u till next time or when i see u again
love mother

well still have my ups and downs i still think every day of the things u could be doin it hurts imiss u so much well its time steven is graduating imagine that zach is growin so fast i know your watchen well got to go for now love u
love mother

it was zachs hes 4 stevens is on 18 th will be 18 mine is on the 22nd hope and pray i make it know i should take better care matt says hi and so does josh i am trying to hurry on make shift place for u i do care just i dont know got my head up my ass
love and miss u
see you soon
love mother
PS looking for u in the same spot i took picture hope to grt another so they can see how crazy i am
was the long beach grand prix again the same guy won again forgot name let u know next time



merry christmas robert hope you like the tree i put it back where it started from like usuall no presents love and miss you so much till later
love motherhttp://static.respectance.com/m1/memories/ba1m0nbbjgp08x_s.png

happy thanksgiving wow christmas is just around the corner i put the little tree up this year i dont think i will ever stop crying i put decorations of you, matt and josh i am trying to teach zac about memories and little things to cherish i just dont know what else to do merry christmas love mother ps the same presants are under the tree as always till we meet again

hows the day going i miss you so much it still hurts i wish they told me about your heart and things you never told me all the things that were going on then thats what hurts the most i would of done something about it i still wonder if you knew anything i am going tomorow to drs. to get reports untill next time

Hi robert i have been crying alot lately I i miss you so terrible i just keep thinking of all the things i could of done to be there you know what i mean iwill work quicker on checking those things out for you before i join you i think i could dothat any way it sucks stevan asked me were your at to visit and say his goodbyes i have to talk tto greg heis always to busy i have been worring about matthew alot to he doesnt want to take me seriously about drs. i willwork on that before it is to late to any way till next time
love and miss you so so much

remembering how i didnt come both of you to your graduation i really sucked a sa mom didnt i
i know your looking down at matt just you and him graduated i so very proud of you and him can you believe matt elementary school teacher who would of thought imiss and love you very much this emptyness will never go away till we meet again
love mother ps dont worry working on what happened

well happy easter i am sorry i get lost sometimes i think of easter and i rememberthe times we use to makeeaster baskets and have some egg hunts from the eggs we colored up

i miss you so much i still cry alot it hurts so much knowing you had so much more to do in life it really sucks life that is its josh is talking a little to me i want to ask him about how he feels but i dont think he will say any thing time
love and miss you till later love mother

Robert, its been a year today its been real hard i miss you so much i would like to thank you for the money it helps i will try to do rigt until we meet again very soon i love you

its coming up a tear i miss you so much i love you thought i was going to see you sooner got real sick might still be its wierd suddenly it was okay you know josh talk to me maybe will talk some more with him love and miss you so very much
love mother \\
still later on

robert, its so hard its coming up on a year imiss you so much i might be joing you soon i am not taking care of my self very well i hope i see you and get to tell you how much i love and miss you

Happy New Year I am glad you called dawn she said how you missed talking to me i really wished we could of for now till we meet again

imiss coming over and setting up the tree and decorating your door i also never knew why you would save all my christmas gifts
merry christmas
i love and miss you so much love mother

i remember the dinner i cooked all you wanted me to do is stay a while i am so sorry i love and miss you so much love mother

robert, the other night i was clicking my camera out my winshield at night and there it is as clear as day apictuere snapped which it looks like you popping your head up its scarey but fasinating if its in my head or its you showed it to others to see if they see the same thing 3 out of 5 see what i see love you so much miss you so very much

i think of you every day still trying to find out answers like did you know is that why you kept saying its okay mother it makes me cry so much to know it was somthying inherited i just pray for the day we see each other again all my love

i remember the first time robert took me to the race track .we had a great time .he couldnt understand though why i place bets on every horse in every race.he always told me to win big you have to place 1 big bet then a bird flew over and graped on him .it was funnyier than------------------

I never got to meet Robert. I have known Kim for at least 10 years. I remember her diligent efforts- taking the bus all the way from Hawthorne to Fullerton on a weekly basis, even 2-3,and 4 times a week. Kim loved her oldest son very,very much.
The day she came and told me Robert died, I held her, she was crying uncontrollably. My friend Kim never cried so hard . Today she is better,but misses her son Josh, who is taking his brothers death very hard... Kim is as well, but her strength, will carry her through. God will carry this whole family through this terrible loss of A YOUNG LIFE.