i m honestly lost for words. you were kind-hearted and u dint deserve to die the way u did. but i pray that God consoles ur family. u'll never be forgotten. I PRAY YOU AND YOUR SIS REST IN PEACE


lah yerhemkoum Sabrina yasmine et que dieu soins avec vos parent dans se triste moment je suis un jeune de votre cite a boumerdes c de la par de idir houari

lah yerhemkoum Sabrina yasmine et que dieu soins avec vos parent dans se triste moment je suis un jeune de votre cite a boumerdes c de la par de idir houari

This is a sad moment for all of us, i don't know those girls but i cried when i read their story........why, why someone can do something like this? In the name of love? what can justify such a coward thing!
All my prayers are for their folks, especially their momand dad..........may god bless your souls and give you parents the courage and patience to overcome their pains.........
"We are all to god and to god shall we come back.......amen"

she died in 2008 and was the best, lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her lov her COPLAND RULE COPLAND SHOULD OF DONE SOMIN BETTER 4 HER!!!! (ANGER)!!!!!! DATS Y I SENT AN EMAIL ROUND SO EVERY1 HU KNEW HER CAN SIGN IT 2 SHOW HOW SOZZ WE ALL ARE....SHE ALWAYS USED 2 COME 2 MA MATHS CLASS 2 HELP US OUT DATS HOW WARM HEARTED SHE WAS!!!!!!!!!! lov herlov herlov her lov her lov her lov her

Copland: she, and Yasmine, loved every one of her/their friends, teachers and family members who taught her/them to respect and help others. So please keep faith in God who will see to it that they both remain very close to all of us because He made sure they joined Him together in order to live with him and under His protection for ever.............Isn't this what we call Blessing from God!!!!? Thank you from all the family and their friends

Kabyle or note kabyle , no one deserves to die this way, allah yerhamkom

Is it true what www.toutsurlalgerie.com wrote?

Billal: Trust me herebelow the only truth regarding Yasmine and Sabrina With the help of All Mighty God, the parents and family members are going thru this."God gives and takes away without prior notice" while we have to thanks him (alhamdou lillahi) for the good and bad. They are now angels in heaven and helping us because they were beautifull persons, and we, parents and friends, never heard a bad word about them or against them. They came to this country which they loved just like their native one and did a tremendous work joining different cultures together and spreading love and tenderness around them; numerous if not all persons who met or knew them are still alive and striking testimony of their roots, family values and loving upbringing.

Interview with Yasmine Larbi-Cherif:

my 1st live performance of norah jones' big hit don't know why. The support was amazing so thanks to all of my supporters! sorry the quality isnt the greatest.
16 years agoAmine thank you very much for your beautifull and humanly words with the help of All Mighty God, the parents and family members are going thru this God gives and takes away without prior notice while we have to thanks him (alhamdou lillahi) for the good and bad. They are now angels in heaven and helping us because they were beautifull persons, and we, parents and friends, never heard a bad word about them or against them. They came to this country which they loved just like their native one and did a tremendous work joining different cultures together and spreading love and tenderness around them; numerous if not all persons who met or knew them are still alive and striking testimony of their roots, family values and loving upbringing.